Sunday, October 12, 2014

Horror Review #3 - "Deliver Us From Evil" (2014)

Horror Review #3 - "Deliver Us From Evil" (2014)

New York police officer Ralph Sarchie investigates a series of crimes. He joins forces with an unconventional priest, schooled in the rites of exorcism, to combat the possessions that are terrorizing their city (taken from IMDB's description)

Eric Bana in a horror movie? Sign me up! That was the first reaction I had when I heard about Deliver Us From Evil. Prior to this, I don't believe he has ever done a movie in the horror genre. This alone made me interested.

Deliver Us From Evil has a very bleak and grim look. The color palette is mostly black and blue. There's not many daytime scenes. You rarely see any sunlight. The New York setting certainly helped the atmosphere. This was one of the strongest points for the movie.

The other strong points in Deliver Us From Evil is the casting of Eric Bana, Edgar Ramirez (who plays the priest, Mendoza), and Sean Harris (the villain). They're always believable in their roles and if it weren't for them, the climax would have been lackluster.

When I'm watching a horror movie, I know there's going to be some jump scares. However, when the movie fully relies on them, it's really annoying. That's my biggest beef with Deliver Us From Evil. The movie has no other techniques to scare the viewer. All it has are cheap jump scares. There are no genuine moments of fear. Okay, MAYBE that one scene where the little girl is in danger because of a stuffed animal.

Deliver Us From Evil looked promising. Summer release date, intriguing premise, good lead actors, and a director whose previous movie was Sinister. Unfortunately it's very disappointing with the constant cheap jump scares and I would never recommend this movie. 1.5/5

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