Tuesday, June 26, 2012

What I've been working on at the gym

It's been 7 months since I started working out at 24 Hour Fitness. During the first month, I didn't have a dedicated workout plan. Then on January, I chose a routine called "Starting Strength", or at least I sorta did. What I did use were the workouts, which consists of squats, deadlifts, bench press, overhead press, and barbell rows. It's a fantastic routine and I highly, HIGHLY recommend it to anybody who's starting out in the gym. After 6 months of using it, this is how I look like now:

Okay I don't look THAT good but that's because my diet is bad. I'm still bulking so that explains why I'm not so ripped. During the six months of working out, I gained about 15 pounds. My legs got thicker, my chest became bigger, and my arms grew (although this recently happened). I was about 115 lbs - 120 lbs before I started going to the gym. Now I weigh about 135 lbs.

My main goal when I started was to simply get strong. I told myself after school was over during the fall, I would get my ass into the gym and avoid being lazy at home. Then later on, I wanted to look like Ryan Gosling. He was my second push in terms of motivation. Another reason why I wanted to look like him was because I was planning to dress up as his character in the movie "Drive". He's not a skinny fella so I wanted to fill out my shirts and get thicker.

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The fourth push in motivation was when a friend of mine mentioned something about a "Tough Mudder" event. The video below will explain everything you need to know:

That event is coming up in a few months and I need to get my body ready.

Starting today, I'll be changing my workout routine because I think my body has plateaued. I can't get any stronger with Starting Strength. The new workout routine that I found is called "P.H.A.T." We'll see how that goes after a few weeks. Somebody I knew in the gym mentioned it to me and it looks pretty interesting.

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