Friday, June 29, 2012

Anime Expo 2012 soon.

Heading there tomorrow morning. Expect some cosplay pictures and a writeup on what I experienced there after I return. Should be interesting.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

What I've been working on at the gym

It's been 7 months since I started working out at 24 Hour Fitness. During the first month, I didn't have a dedicated workout plan. Then on January, I chose a routine called "Starting Strength", or at least I sorta did. What I did use were the workouts, which consists of squats, deadlifts, bench press, overhead press, and barbell rows. It's a fantastic routine and I highly, HIGHLY recommend it to anybody who's starting out in the gym. After 6 months of using it, this is how I look like now:

Okay I don't look THAT good but that's because my diet is bad. I'm still bulking so that explains why I'm not so ripped. During the six months of working out, I gained about 15 pounds. My legs got thicker, my chest became bigger, and my arms grew (although this recently happened). I was about 115 lbs - 120 lbs before I started going to the gym. Now I weigh about 135 lbs.

My main goal when I started was to simply get strong. I told myself after school was over during the fall, I would get my ass into the gym and avoid being lazy at home. Then later on, I wanted to look like Ryan Gosling. He was my second push in terms of motivation. Another reason why I wanted to look like him was because I was planning to dress up as his character in the movie "Drive". He's not a skinny fella so I wanted to fill out my shirts and get thicker.

 Powers Collectibles Gosling Ryan2 Gosling Ryan- 5267

The fourth push in motivation was when a friend of mine mentioned something about a "Tough Mudder" event. The video below will explain everything you need to know:

That event is coming up in a few months and I need to get my body ready.

Starting today, I'll be changing my workout routine because I think my body has plateaued. I can't get any stronger with Starting Strength. The new workout routine that I found is called "P.H.A.T." We'll see how that goes after a few weeks. Somebody I knew in the gym mentioned it to me and it looks pretty interesting.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Is this really the first blog entry?

It's been almost a year since I last touched this blog. 6/20/2011 to be exact. I just checked. Xanga used to be the place where I would blog about stuff but I think it's time to move on. This seems like a good place to settle for now.

So summer has arrived. Spring semester for PCC ended a few days ago and now I can finally relax. During the spring, I was working on a short film titled, "Young Ones." It is by far the toughest project I've been involved in but seeing the end result was also the most satisfying. After all the crap we had to go through making that movie, I was so relieved that it turned out great at the end. Being a producer is fucking hard. I doubt I wanna do it again anytime soon.

As for the upcoming few months, here's the plan:

1) Get in shape
- My goal is to look like Ryan Gosling from Drive/Crazy Stupid Love for Anime Expo.

- After July, get into even better shape for Tough Mudder in September and possibly a Zombie Run in October.

2) Anime Expo
- Planning to dress up as the Driver in Drive.
I already have the jacket, the pants, and shirt. All that's left is the shoes and gloves. Still trying to get into Ryan Gosling shape.

3) Make a movie
- I have a few ideas in mind. Some of them are:
  • A short zombie movie about a small group of survivors fending off the undead.
  • A series of shorts about a man who's on the quest to find a copy of "Rumble Fish" on DVD.
  • A live action adaptation of the "Clown Statue" creepypasta
  • A stopmotion/hand drawn project involving street racers
On these various projects, I would like to collaborate with the fellow classmates that I met in the PCC film program.

4) Find a summer job
- Round 1?

5) Continue bowling at Round 1 USA
- They're currently holding a tournament and I'm in the top 5 leaderboards. Pics in the future. It's a super cool hobby and I enjoy it. Getting better every time I bowl there.

That's about it so far. I'm gonna try to visit this blog and pump out some more entries on a daily basis. I hope there's somebody out there that's reading this though.